North American Wildlife for your unique animal print scrubs
have such a diverse array of fabrics for your custom made scrubs, from
mountain lions, to raccoons, bald eagles, bison and moose, leaving you
with so many fun decisions. If you are loud and rowdy, then you may want
to choose a Canadian goose print scrub, and if you are indeed social
then it is the raccoon animal print scrub for you. If you're in love
with bodies of water where fish are plentiful, or perhaps you like
stealing your friends fresh catch, then our scrub tops with eagles is
the right one for you!
Or you could just choose your animal print scrubs by which
animals are your favorite. Then just decide your custom size, length,
style and pocket placement. Perhaps you want contrasting trim from
another fabric.......It's all up to you, just make your scrub tops
unique.....you will
receive your custom made scrubs the way you want them, not just the way
you can find them.